Meat Grinding…Party?

Today I will grind beef. Brady and I bought a ton of beef off of our neighbors a little while ago. We now have about 32 lbs of ground beef. But the thing is, they’re not ground up yet! Apparently the butcher who put it all together for them charged a decent amount more to grind it up. So I’ll learn! Well, Melissa knows how and has a meat grinder, so she offered to come over and help me. Yay! Should be fun! And educational.

This will make me feel pretty productive I think! Yesterday I made two batches of apple juice! It was a little weaker than I was bargaining for but still nice and tasty. The apples are very light, so I blame them for part of it. Either way, I had success making about 9 quarts of juice so far, and I still have more apples to go!

Anyway, making the juice made me feel really productive, and home-makerish. I liked it! Now today, I’ll learn to grind meat (and hopefully make a fabulous supper with some of it), and tomorrow is busy too!

Brady and I got asked to help lead singing for a group at our church Friday night. I’m really happy about that, and excited! However, my parents are gone to visit the new baby and they’re our go-to babysitters. Lucky us, some good friends of ours offered so we’re covered! I only had to be stressed about having to ask someone for a day or two.

Either way, with all of this, I’m feeling nice and in the groove of something that I can’t identify. I can’t say “motherhood” because none of this is motherly at all. And I suppose this isn’t “home-making” since part of what I’m excited about has nothing to do with home. Perhaps I’m just feeling a bit more normal than I have in a while. I’m not sure. But its nice. Being busy with things I enjoy.

Besides all of this, my Dekker is not in a fun place. You know why they say molars are the hardest teeth to cut for a baby? Because they cut through in a few different spots. Poor baby son. He’s been pretty off, and sleeping the days away. I’m on board with the sleeping but you know what I mean. He’s often fussy hen he’s awake, and I can only fix it so much. He’s now cut one molar in two places, but has HUGE bumps in seven other tooth spaces. He is pushing way too many teeth at once. I hope he has one awful day and they all come out. Sigh. Don’t we all wish that for our kids?

I’m just relieved he hasn’t noticed the two chicken pox that have developed on his face. At least those don’t bother him! No worries, they’re just from the hot he had a week ago. They’ll fade.