Melatonin Monday: Part Eight

I won’t lie. I don’t have a ton to update you on at this point in terms of change with Rowan. 

I left off last week saying I had a new direction to move in, and that I was excited about it! That remains true! While it seemed to slip my mind that I should actually share what I was excited about *slaps self in forehead* I will tell you in todays post 🙂 Better late than never! 

First, a quick overview of the week for Rowan. Still lots of sleepwalking. My favourite one went like this.

Rowan came to the basement stairs and stood in the entrance. He couldn’t articulate what he wanted, and his voice is a dead giveaway when he’s sleep walking. Its a little lighter and higher. He was a little distressed, but couldn’t get past “I just cant, I just cant…” So we knew. I told him everything was ok, and I got up to take him back to bed. He asked to pee first and I said yes, that was fine. He easily turned around and started heading back up the stairs. He scrambled up the stairs and headed towards his room. We lay a stool hear his door so our vacuum, Meryl, doesn’t bump the bedroom doors. As he headed that way, he tripped over the stool, but it didn’t stop him. He kept walking confidently, and slammed into the bathroom doorframe, pretty hard. But he didn’t even react. I may have snort laughed, but he didn’t notice. He peed, gathered himself, and walked from the bathroom to his bed with giant steps, lol! He walked like he was drunk. It was awesome. 

This week, we’ve started Rowan on some new vitamins. He has started taking vitamin D (which we all need) as well as omega 3s and a probiotic. We want to try and help his brain be healthy, because while helping him sleep has made a really positive difference, its clear he needs extra help beyond that. I know I have some friends who have been asking what we’ve used, and I won’t post the brands just yet, as we’ve only had a couple of days of use from them. What I will advise you, if you’re looking for these types of vitamins, is to READ THE BOTTLE!! Some of the omega 3s said a child should take 5-7 PER DAY!!!!! They seemed like a better price at first but nooooo way!!! Keep an eye out for the dosage!! But as for causing a change, he hasn’t been on them long enough at all. As many of you know, we have pretty big fish to fry right now, and not a whole lot of extra mental energy. But if Rowan’s sleep is still better than it was, its still a relief. 

We love you desperately, Rowan. We ALL love you!