Melatonin Monday: Part Eleven

I am really happy to report that Rowan continues to grow and progress towards an easier life and a calmer attitude. Every night, I pray with him and we ask Jesus that Rowan will be unscathed in this time of uncertainty. And as far as I can tell, God continues to provide.

Rowan still definitely gets sad. We all do, am I right? But his control is unbelievable! He is SO much more level than he was even a month ago, and considering everything our family has gone through, he would have every reasonable right to be in far worse shape than he was to begin with. I am SO incredibly proud of him!

Just a couple of days ago, he hurt himself by dropping his water bottle right on his toe. That hurts. I know. I’ve done it. He shrieked in pain, and then cried. Not long ago, he would’ve screamed and tantrummed and just gotten SO angry. But he didn’t. I held him and tried to be super understanding about his pain. He cried for a pretty good while, I could tell he was having a hard time winding down, but he never got SO frustrated that he just threw a fit. When he finally started to relax a little, he told me he was sorry he had screamed, and that he tries SO HARD to be a good boy, and that he doesn’t want to make me feel hurt or sad. I hugged him SO tight and reassured him that I was NOT upset that he had cried when he got hurt. I told him I WANTED to know those kinds of things! But I heard his heart, and I told him that, too. I see how hard he is trying, and I let him know it was SO worth it. He said to me “Ok, good. I’ll keep working.”

The journey continues, and I’m so thankful for be along for the ride. I am SO pleased with Rowan’s continued progress and growth!