Melatonin Monday: Part Four

** Plus a bonus milestone story!

Welcome back to our little series on Rowan and his sleep struggles! I’ll be honest and tell you I didn’t know if I’d still have things to talk about a month in, but I dooooo! We officially started this process on month ago, on December 11th, and there has been immense change. Immense! He is still himself, completely, but he is reasonable. Rational. He feels all of his feelings differently. We can talk to him, and he can comprehend SO much clearer. Its been amazing. 

This last week, however, Rowan has begun sleepwalking. 

Earlier this year, Rowan walked in his sleep twice over the course of a couple weeks. That was it. It kind of came out nowhere. I couldn’t figure out what triggered it, really, but I believe I blogged about it. I was encouraged that, as long as he was being safe, that we just roll with it and help him back to bed. But it only happened twice. 

Now, this last week, it happened three times. On the 4th, 5th, and 7th. Each time at 9:30-10:30pm. Every time he gets up, he comes to find us. He has a higher voice, and he’s a liiiiittle bit distressed. Kind of crying, but not actually. He doesn’t really answer when you speak to him, but those eyes are WIDE open, and SO dark, which is not his usual look. Its kind of upsetting, to be honest. But we’ve learned what it looks/sounds like when he’s sleepwalking, and we tucked him back in without issue every time. 

Also, isn’t that new weighted blanket cute?? It has whales.

Still. This has been an unsettling week. 

I don’t know what’s normal and what is odd, but I imagine I’ll reach out to his doctor for a call at some point, just to make sure he doesn’t need anything different. 

For the record, he never goes anywhere he shouldn’t. Our doors are all bolted, and you have to kind of lean into them to pop the lock open. He struggles with it on a normal day, so I’m confident he couldn’t do it while asleep. But he doesn’t try. He just comes for Brady and I. 

Its strange. Still TOTALLY worth the result, which is Rowan having a WAY easier time in his daily life. I did anticipate some adjustment, but I thought that would be the first week or so. Weird weird weird. 

Entering month two!! Hopefully we’ll get some kids magnesium supplements soon and see if those are a good fit for Rowan! Wish us luck!! 


Unrelated completely, but an important story to share TODAY!

Rowan lost his first tooth!!!

As soon as I started moving around the dining room in the morning, he came out of his room and said “I think I lost a tooth.” He opened his mouth to show me, and they were all definitely still there. But the one was pointing in completely the wrong direction. It was just floppy. I believe my exact words were “Don’t scream at me, ok?” and I popped it out. He just stared at me in disbelief, and was immediately SO excited!!

He insisted on helping me get everyone else up for breakfast so he could show everyone! This is what happened when he offered to go get Laela.

It was adorable. And everyone was SO happy for him.

Sleep has been weird, but this morning feels victorious in a different way, and I’m happy it fell on a day where I’m already talking about him!

Congratulations on losing your FIRST tooth!!!! You’re officially growing up!