Mental Pictures

This will be another fairly randomly put together post about todays events that don’t really mean anything or even matter, but I get a kick out of them. The first is something you just have to try and picture.

Dekker has these cute little plastic safety glasses he got with his tools and tool bench. They attach with an elastic strap. He can sometimes put them on by himself but apparently half the game is having me put them on him, him take them off, and me put them back on. Over and over and over again. Today he brought me his glasses so I put them on him. I soon found him biffed and hung up over our wire/wooden bead toy (that toy that every church and doctors office in the world has). He got himself up and proceeded to have a good long cry. Sounds sad, I know. But it was actually super adorable. We decided against pants that afternoon so my boy was in nothing more than a diaper, a shirt, and his trusty glasses. Safety first, right Dekker? I wanted to take a picture, but I thought it might seem mean. Then I blogged about it. Mother fail.

The second thing I want to post about was a game he started playing. Growing up, we always waved at the window when people left.  Whether it was family or friends, whether it was leaving for school or leaving after a evening gathering or party, we waved. Dekker has taken to it well, and waves out any window to anyone walking by. Its adorable. But I figured he just thought windows meant waving. Today he was playing with his cars on the table beside the couch. He was making car noises, then they’d stop and he’d wave at the car, and then the car would drive again. It was sooo adorable! I guess he catches on to more than I thought! Smart boy!!

The last thing I’ll post on here today is a cute little video we found on Facebook that Dekker LOVES! We’ve had certain kid videos recommended to us once in a while since Deks was born, but this one we found during my hospital visit a couple of weeks back. Its kind of cute and I just figured I’d put it out there 🙂 Enjoy!

Ironically, grapes for a snack tonight!


The girls love that video too! Izzy sometimes comes up to me at snack time and says, “Got any grapes?” And them she sings the tune. It’s so cute.