*merp* Change of Plans

I was pretty stoked to have a blog about pickling today! My mom and I got up early to run a couple of errands. We ate some breakfast by the river, hit a quick appointment, and headed to Walmart for vinegar, pickling salt, spice, garlic, bay leaves, and lids. We had everything else at home.

Except pickling cucumbers. Spoiler alert: thats where the debacle began.

We went to the farmers market. We found nice close parking. Oddly close parking. No one was there. No patrons or customers. I checked their website, and the hours were correct. But yes, the address was wrong. I completely missed the memo that the entire farmers market moved!!! To the AIRPORT?!?!

Sooooo we drove all the way there, and there were only just a few tents set up. We walked in, and there were only two stands with veggies. The first guy had little bags in a row of what he was selling, and he had pickling cucumbers! But we could tell by his signs and claims that his stuff was going to be way more money than we had originally expected. Mom approached him and said politely “I’m looking for 50 lbs of pickling cucumbers” and before she could even finish her question, he cut her off and said “Good luck!” He lifted his bag up and said he only had the one bag left. Ok, fine, no problem.

We went and asked at the other veggie stand, but they only had the large english cucumbers. We passed the first stand on our way out and he called out that he was the only one with pickling cucumbers today. Good job, guy. 🤷‍♀️ Whatever, lol!

We sat somewhat stunned in the car for a few minutes. For all the jar washing and little prep we had done, there were NO pickles to be made!! We tried to call a nearby colony but no one answered, because, Sunday. We decided we’d try to call them in the afternoon.

We tried to check a veggie place in Martensville on the way home, but no dice. None at standard grocery stores either. We were officially going home empty handed!

My mom did call the colony again, and was able to get through. And they informed her that they were still two weeks out!! So it would appear we did NOT miss pickling season after all!!! YAY!!

While today is not a pickle day post, there will be one to come!! And you’re all gonna be sooooo jealous! Because Jeanne’s pickles are THE pickles!!