Midweek Sleepover

I’ve been away from home for the last two days, and I have had SUCH a lovely time of refreshment! Thank you Lord for rest, thank you Cher for the invite, and thank you Brady for giving me the lovely break away without any bitterness. 

I’ve spent the last 30 ish hours, snuggled up comfortably, watching movies and shows, crocheting and knitting like mad, eating delicious food, and chatting with Cher 💜 It was SO fun! 

Yesterday, we scratched an itch we’ve both had for a good while now, and we ordered Chinese food. It was SO yummy, and we ate SO much. 

We jumped around from show to show, watching a few episodes of Schitts Creek, the beginning of a few movies, a scary movie that almost made me poop my pants more than a couple of times, and our movie – Bridesmaids. All the while, we chatted, worked on projects, and were lazy. It was really really really nice. We accidentally stayed up until 3:00am 😳 

In the morning, Cher cooked a whole big breakfast for us, refusing to let me help her. It was SO loving, and SO delicious! Bacon and eggs, tots and toast. And coffee! It was ridiculously yummy. We ate SO much, again. It tasted like maple and love 🥓 ❤️ 

The plan had been to go home after breakfast, but the plan changed, and then changed again, and I ended up staying until about 4:00pm! Whoops, but also not whoops at all. We had SUCH a lovely afternoon together, where we sat out in the rain together for about a half hour, and then worked on our separate projects in the dining room, listening to the rain continue for a bit. 

We finally gave in to reality, and Cher drove me home. It was so lovely to spend that extra time together, and then it was so sad to have her leave, and not stay for the evening. I LOVED our sleepover! SO much fun! I love you, Cher! 

I have to say, though, how fortunate I am to have the people I have. I have an immensely close friend who wants to spend time with me as often as we can. I have a supportive, involved husband who let’s me go for breaks without guilt or anger. I have children who receive me back so warmly, with cards and signs, and a toddler who hugged me and whispered unmistakably “I missed you.” 

I am feeling the love. SO much. I am SO blessed by God to have my people, and these chances to feel extra love and care. Its been such a special time to build myself up closer to capacity, so I can put more into my people 😊 It feels selfish, but it’s SO healthy, and I am so grateful to have my people who want to put in to me. 

For these things, I praise the Lord.