Monday Plans and Event Dates

Here we are, Monday morning, snow flying. I’m so thankful that its not miserably cold, at least. After a really nice break, having Brady home for a bit, he’s back to work today. I’ll have to tell you guys all about his job soon, because its changed up a bit, as is over quality of life! He currently has confirmed work all March, halfway through April, and even one job scheduled for May! Going from last years incredibly long, challenging, unceasing slump, to this, is a HUGE answer to prayer! I know for a fact some of you prayed actively for us, and God answered! But we’ll get into that all another time soon. All of that was just to say, Brady is back at work today, and I’m back home chillin’ with the chillen. Lol!

Dekker and Laela are off to school, the middle boys are playing downstairs, and Waverly is upstairs with me, dancing to the new playlist I just put together in preparation for our next coffeehouse! Who wants to come?? 🙋‍♀️ Its at our usual place in Mville, on March 12th, starting at 6pm! We had plans to do a coffeehouse for Valentines Day, but my pain was just not under control leading up to that point, and we took a full hiatus from basically anything extra. Merp. I don’t feel guilty and responsible for that AT ALL 🙄 However, things are under control now and we’re back at it! PLEASE come out and enjoy some super tasty coffee and dessert while we play! We have SUCH a fun time to Clearcut! 

Today holds a quiet morning of coffee and music and playing. 

I have a lunch date with Cher, and the plan is to finish up a Netflix series we’ve been watching together. So that will be a delicious, relaxed, and somewhat unnerving afternoon 😆 Not unnerving because Cher, but unnerving because Joe Goldberg. Anyone else? 

And the evening is band practice! Suddenly our gig is only ten days away! 😳 We have some work to do!!! 

All things considered, its going to be a super lovely Monday! I hope you all have the same!