Morning Chaos

It was not our smoothest morning. Amidst the basic everyday busyness of getting the kids out the door to school, we had a couple of extras on top. Kids cut a few corners so they had to go back and redo a couple of things they don’t usually. Then Rowan was mad to need his toque and mini mitts, and got all huffy at me, and then it took foreverrrrruuuhhh to dig them out of his backpack. Then a mitt was lost, and then it wasn’t anymore. And then he forgot to repack the things he had emptied out. And THEN he wiped out on our ramp. We need to find a solution to that, lol! Aaaaanyway, it was a whole thing, and it took forever to get the kids out the door. Seriously. Forever.

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When it finally happened, we took a little breather and invited Cher for a quick coffee before we had all had to run to our respective locations.

Getting out the door is not our strong suit, and we ended up running a bit behind to Brady’s blood appointment.

The van wasn’t even stopped when I whipped out the passengers side, unloaded Brady’s chair, and ran it to his side of the van. He went in so fast, I looked down for a second and didn’t even see him go into the building.

I was getting settled in to crochet for a little bit when Brady texted me that we had forgotten his blood requisition at home. *sigh* Of all things, where everything in the world is going paperless, we still need a hard copy of his blood form. Yes, it CAN be faxed, but it changes every month and the cancer centre just mails us one. So, its on us, and we dropped the ball.

Brady was already late for his appointment, and then didn’t even have what he needed. He ducked out of the lab and called the cancer centre. They told him they would send it immediately.

And they did! Aaaaand the lady at the front desk of the blood lab saved his spot in line, so he didn’t get bumped to a walk-in spot. Isn’t that nice? Usually, its very much a “you snooze you lose” scenario. This was very generous of them. It was such a relief not to lose that time.

We made it home in good time, as though we were never late at all. Brady got his bloodwork done, and I made two dish scrubbies. Its not a lot but it helps qualify our morning as productive. This afternoon holds lunch, more crocheting, and a phone appointment.

So. Many. Appointments.
So. Many. Doctors.

So. Much. To be grateful for.