Morning Coffee with Mom

After sending Dekker and Laela off to school this morning, I sent my mom a text that she was welcome anytime. We had some casual morning plans for a visit, for her to arrive around 9:30. And that she did 🙂

The boys were being pretty cute ❤️ and incredibly distracting while we attempted to visit and catch up a little. Lol! A very good problem to have!

She left around lunch, and Brady made it home nice and early! Woot! He and I spent nap time watching YouTube, eating lunch, and snuggling Wavy. Poor dear is unsettled with teething. She doesn’t really want to drink milk or play or sit or sleep or really anything. She just wiggles and whines and sucks her fingers. But she’s SO stinking cute when she does it.

School is about to let out, and Dekker and Laela will begin their slow motion amble back home. Brady hopes to be working on his van outside with the little boys when they arrive, and I’ll be here inside, working unceasingly on saving last years blog posts! I’m on a role and am SO eager to get the next chunk of them ordered! Or at least set up and ready for order. Don’t want to lose momentum!

If I break from that today, it’ll be to plan tomorrow. So many errands to run! Don’t want to forget anything important!