Morning Date

Kim and I planned to meet for coffee this morning. She had a dental appointment, and figured she’d shop a little bit afterwards, so I invited myself along for coffee and a shop. Of course, my fabulous son FINALLY slept thru the night, and with that, our guaranteed alarm system did NOT go off. So Brady and I woke up about five minutes before I was hoping to leave. He woke me, threw on the lights, and being the rockstar that he is, he rushed upstairs to start the van for me while I scrambled into (yesterdays) clothes and dug a purse out of a rubbermaid tub.

Miraculously, I arrived at the mall right around when I expected to! Kim beat me there, but I knew she would. We grabbed some Starbucks drinks and each snagged a yummy breakfast treat before we found some cozy chairs to settle into for a while. We ended up doing a quick little gift exchange, even! I hadn’t gotten her her Christmas gift yet, and she had recently bought me a BEAUTIFUL coral mug from Starbucks that I’ve been whining about for the last couple of weeks, wanting it so much but not being able to justify spending the money on it. I love you, Kim. Coral mug or not 😉 Once we had finished our coffees and treats, the mall had opened, and we began a slow meander through the stores.

I’ve been working pretty hard not to shop, but we wandered into a store that has this cheap pair of boots that I’ve been eyeing since before Christmas. With it being halfway through winter, and being a SUPER cheap store, I went to check their price, and they were on for 2/$30, which is amazing!! They only had two pairs left, and they fit! I went to the front and asked if they would sell me the one pair for $15 instead. I’ve learned that some places will do this for you if you only ask! So I asked, and she said no. So I asked what the sale price was if I were to just buy the one pair. Her answer? $45. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I was ticked, and left them there. We did some more walking and a little bit more shopping, but mostly just visiting and catching back up. Its been sooooo long! I did end up buying some crackers and such for Rowan, as he’s running out of a few of his staple snacks. I also bought a foundation (mine is juuust about gone) and I found a little pink glittery nail polish by the brand “Layla Cosmetics!” Go figure, right? Anyway, I thought it would be a cute Valentine’s Day gift for Laela, and the fact that it was a cheap little clearance product helped too.

Our date did have to end at some point, so I drove Kim to her vehicle and we said goodbye. Hopefully we’ll play date next week again. No more of this “once a month” garbage. I picked up some Tims for the hubs and I, and headed home to my family. It was nice to see them after being away for a little break. Fresh eyes. Everyone appreciates everyone more.

It was a great morning <3