Nesting Day 2

As I mentioned in yesterdays post, our washer started to smell like fire. Brady pointed out that it was generous of the washer to give us the full day of laundry before dying. I wasn’t feeling so grateful, personally. Doesn’t the washer know we’re having another baby soon??!

We emailed my parents. My dad has repaired their laundry machines many times in the past, and we have never needed to really fix on ours yet. Better yet, our washer used to be their washer! So if anyone knew about it, it would be them. We tried to make plans about going to church, and then the boys maybe going to Radisson to work on our washer while mom and I both hit up Saskatoon to get some much-needed grocery shopping done, and possibly a bit more shopping for things I wanted to get to before baby comes. However, the plan just got too cramped and we decided to miss church and get together in the morning already and really get some exciting stuff accomplished!

My parents arrived around 10am and we got right on things! The boys headed straight downstairs, ran a few tests on the washer, and confirmed that the washer is in fact pooched. The motor is, anyway. We’re currently weighing our options and deciding whether to buy replacement parts or to buy a new machine. I’m definitely hoping for parts! But I’m getting antsy because its a long weekend and we can’t get straight answers from anyone about prices or availability. Lame. Luckily we have lots of beautiful people around us with their beautiful washing machines, willing to let us use their beautiful water to wash our super stinky diapers.


While Brady and dad worked downstairs, mom and I got Dekker up, changed, dressed, and patched. My mom sat with him while he ate breakfast, and I started bustling around. I didn’t really mean to start such a big job, but I began organizing Dekker’s room to become a room for two. Its actually a massive task! Dekker fills his room up pretty nicely, so I had to come up with a lot of space savers without much planning. The result?


It WILL look better! Or at least it had better.

Its going to be interesting. No longer can Dekker have a sock drawer. He and baby girl will both need a sock box of some kind. What about all his blankets? They’re in a beautiful basket, and he still uses them. But what about baby’s blankets? Where do those go??! So much to figure out! But the wardrobe is cleaned out much nicer, with lots more room to fit a second kids stuff. Shirts and dressy things are hanging, but all the sleepers are now in drawers, pants and hoodies are folded in the top part of the wardrobe. Shoes are on a bookshelf. Towels are hung on hooks. Clothes that are too small are boxed up and packed away, and clothes that are still too big are awaiting use from the back of the wardrobe, out of the way but not to be forgotten. There is definitely potential in this tiny room! That was the main job my mom and I tackled. While we were in the kids room, Dekker wandered between us and the boys, who were onto their next job – the dishwasher. Its not broken, but its not cleaning. Now, its not just a crummy dishwasher. Something has been wrong with it for a while. Our cups. We soak them until they are basically clean enough to go in the cupboard, but instead we run them through the dishwasher, and they come out with PIECES on them! Like, big petrified pieces of shiz stuck to their insides. We have been saying we likely just need to clean out the filter, but we could never figure out how to get everything apart to give it a good cleaning. After watching some YouTube videos, pulling out the racks, and reefing on a couple things, they got the appropriate pieces apart and found free-flowing fittings that were considerably not so free flowing. Not allowing a DROP OF WATER to flow, in fact. They scrubbed the crazy out of them and worked until everything was looking really good on the inside. The test load proved successful ๐Ÿ˜€ ย I am sooo excited about that being done. One less thing to think about.

All of a sudden it was the afternoon and Deks was at the end of his rope, so we gave him a snack and put him to bed. Then we ate some lunch ourselves and as soon as it was over, mom and I headed to the city!

The boys painted the crib and change table, and cleaned both of our tubs.



When that was all done, Brady played some Wii golf and my dad took a nap. Meanwhile, my mom and I got tons done!! We grocery shopped, got a sleeper for baby girl, a SWEET fall jacket for Dekker,


and a sports bra for me! I know no one cares about it, but I have been searching for a decent sports bra for a while and can’t find anything that isn’t a training bra or a spandex work out top. BUT – success today ๐Ÿ™‚ Finally! Yup, probably the best part of my day. I could live in this thing. I will, I think. We also shopped for some boxes or baskets to store some baby things in the baby room that can’t just be flying around anywhere, like wash clothes, or socks. We had good success in that department as well, and we left the city feeling really accomplished.

On the drive home, we discussed the few lists I have left and how doable and small they are. My mom says I’m organized ๐Ÿ™‚ I try, but it definitely doesn’t feel like it right now.

We spent the evening at their place, washing our diapers, eating spaghetti, and playing toys. I, personally, spent the evening anticipating tomorrow! I hate that Brady has spent his weekend working, but it felt good to have accomplished a few things today as well. HOWEVER!!! – we were disappointed to come home and see a few too many runs in the paint on the crib. We decided to try and overlook it, but then realized the change table was now too different whites, and it was too obvious to ignore. So. Painting isn’t done. It was sad to take it off the list and then put it back on ๐Ÿ™ ย But hopefully one more coat tomorrow in the sun is all we need and then we can really set up the kids room, exactly how it should be! We can still do most of it tomorrow in the day, but I’m hoping to get the new furniture in there too, and soon. That will be the main goal for tomorrow, and then hopefully taking a bit of a rest. But ย also can’t ignore the urge to keep going on the list! Pack hospital bags, make a bunch of appointments, make padsicles, crochet boots, sterilize things, etc. But who knows. Even just having a plan helps. Brady and I will make the decision on the washer by Tuesday, and thats really the biggest things right now. Everything can sit a little bit longer I think. I think…

So the rambling can stop now I think. I’m just relieved to finally be getting a few things accomplished. I was saying to my mom today how I was discouraged after yesterday, having worked so hard and not being able to cross anything off my list. But she pointed out that sometimes we need a whole bunch of ground work first, and then the things will come flying off the list. I think she’s right ๐Ÿ™‚ So we’re just going to be thankful for all the help we had today, and keep on going tomorrow!

Can’t wait to meet our daughter. This is aaaaall worth it.