New Creativity

I have been enjoying secretly dipping into some new creative outlets. Its been fun to meet some new challenges head on through art in which I have never dabbled. I’ll share it with you soon, I’m sure 💜Its really overtaken my brain the last while. But these last couple days, I have been elbow deep back into crocheting, and as odd as it sounds, I’m truly happy I enjoy it so much. There is just something relieving about creating something beautiful in a time that feels significantly less beautiful, or smooth, or successful. But God knows what we need. As always.

If you’re looking for me, I’m either crocheting on the recliner, or wrapped in a blanket, working on a new project. Either way, I’m so grateful to have ways to keep busy that are comforting and relaxing and creative.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me all You have.