New Friends

I really can’t describe how awesome today was 🙂 We had friends over in the morning and afternoon, and not only did I have my friend, Hailey, to visit with, but the kids played together beautifully!

It helps that we all slept better tonight, and the colds are on their way out. Dekker and Laela were both feeling and acting significantly better today, which was a huge relief to me. When Hailey came into the house, the two kids she brought seemed to make themselves at home!

Ok, not actually right away. The younger boy was pretty hesitant, and walked around with his bottom lip quivering for quite some time. The older girl, however, seemed to be immediately in love with Laela. BEST of all, she befriended Dekker. And he went with it!! The group only stayed for a few hours but before they had left, Dekker had showed his new friend his room, she had done his hair and makeup with Laela’s little set, they had fixed at Dekker’s work bench, and they had done about a thousand laps across the basement. Everyone had an absolute riot. While it took Dekker a few minutes to warm up to the idea, today gave me so much hope about him going into kindergarten, or preschool if we decide. I knew it would be ok when the time came, but this made me confident that he’ll excel. Woohoo!!

I didn’t nap the kids today, but it turned out not to be the best idea for Laela. Less than an hour after our company left, she wandered upstairs. She’s somewhat mischievous, so I followed her. She was headed for her room. However, Rowan was sleeping in there, and if I went in and put her down, he would wake up, just with how the timing was working. So instead, I tried to coax her back downstairs. She, in turn, plunked down on the floor and wept bitterly.

And that was how I FINALLY got a sleepytime cuddle with my little girl again. She hasn’t slept on me in forever, but I pulled a flannel receiving blanket out of the fresh laundry for her, and that was all she needed. She was out. Not for too terribly long, but it was all she needed. Suddenly, maybe twenty minutes later, she sat up, all sweaty and curly and beautiful, said “All done” and climbed off of me. So so so. So. So. CUTE.

We had a feast of ribs for dinner, and the kids ate really well. But soon after, they tidied up toys and went to bed. I’m so looking forward to a hot soak in the tub and hopefully something delicious to snack on. Every day this week has felt like Friday, and I’m SO relieved that its finally here.

I’ll leave you with the happiest picture of Rowan you’ve ever seen.


Sleep tight <3