No OT Visit After All

As of yesterday, the plan was for an occupational therapist to come by today and measure the house up a bit to see what Brady’s future needs might be. This morning, however, I received a call cancelling the visit for today. He had spoken to Brady’s OT at the hospital, and she had insisted that Brady attend the home visit, one way or another. Therefore, the visit has been rescheduled to next week, and a whole lift is coming along so Brady can be inside his own house!! Praise the Lord for technology and professionals that advocate for what is actually truly best!

It was a successful morning for Brady. In PT, they played with electrodes and found some hope in that right shin of his! With enough tweaking and repositioning of the electrodes, the toes on Brady’s right foot DO lift! His foot CAN move independent from his thigh! These are hopeful things that suggest some nerves are still firing in there, so Brady was able to borrow/sign out the machine they used, and he will use it 2-3 times per day in hopes to wake those muscles and nerves as much as possible. His PT did say that brought on some promise. (I hope I understood that all correctly, so take it with a grain of salt if I’m a bit off base.)

After that particular test, Brady moved over to the sit/stand machine and practiced controlled stands and squats. He swayed with his therapist, like middle schoolers dancing, putting weight on each leg individually, trying to trust his legs a bit more. Unlocking his knees is the most wobbly part of it all, but his PT today reminded him to push more with his feet and less with his arms, and it was incredible to see how much smoother it got from there. Brady did these things while occasionally trying to close his eyes, and even managed to stand while only holding on with one hand. AMAAAZING progress!

Two different professionals told Brady today that he will not be in the program long. I hope they’re right. No one wants to rush him, and we deeply desire him to stay for as long as he needs rather than having to bring him back after pushing him too early. But my goodness, everyone is SO proud of him!!

Anita Ward

I am so proud of you Brady!! And am so thankful for these updates Hailey!! They mean a lot to us so far away. We are praying and loving you both!!

Dorothy Born

You have given such awesome updates. Thanks for all the details. We pray for you all daily. In spite of the “down” moments, we have confidence in God’s power to do above and beyond what we ask, think, and imagine. That would mean there’s a bright and incredible future for Brady and your family


So encouraging Hailey! We will keep pan for you and your family!!! Literally baby steps right now! God is so good and he has this whole situation! It’s so encouraging to read your blogs and be a witness to the daily miracles happening!!!


Thank you for this encouraging, loving comment! Gods hand is absolutely in this! There is no way he could be making this recovery on his own!

Cornelius Thiessen (Neil & Linda

Coming from Keith’s parents in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We continually pray for Brady’s full recovery. We also pray for you Hailey and the children . With out a doubt this is also tough on you & the children. It is good to see the many friends you have who are supporting you, during this Pandemic. GOD continue to be with you and be your strength.


This is such a warm message, thank you for reaching out and praying for our family! We pray for exactly the same – that we remember from where our strength comes, and that at our weakest, He is strongest!! There is no way we’d make it through without that!