Now That Wavy is Out of her Bucket

Not too long ago, Wavy outgrew her bucket car seat. Realistically, she could’ve legally been in there for little bit longer, but I’m sure many of you can relate to the fact that they get more awkward the heavier your baby gets. Even if I’m still allowed to carry her in it, I kind of don’t want to. Thanks to this change, Wavy sits in the cart more often! And guys, its just the cutest thing!!

She LOVES sitting in the cart. She kicked her legs like crazy as we’d put the cart through the parking lot, loving the vibration and bumps, I’m sure. She was so into it!

I wondered if Solly would love sharing it with her, but he’s actually all for it! Every once in a while, he’d look over and her and kind of “ugh” and say “Wavy is so cute.” He’s not wrong.

I pulled this little cardigan out of a tub of hand-me-downs this morning, and it was probably the highlight of my day. Thank you to the friends who shared their little girlies clothes with Waverly!

We grocery shopped the morning away, and I spent some of my Christmas money on a new sweatshirt that I’ll show you another day 🙂 Now that we’re home, groceries are put away, kids have napped, laundry is going, a couple of calls were made, and lunch was eaten. Dekker is home! Time for homework and maaaybe time for a bit of playing outside before supper! If anyone wants to donate fence materials and grass to our family, we would LOVE to be able to send them all out into a yard on their own! Lol! Maybe next year 🙂