Of All Ridiculous Things

I cannot believe we have another cold in our house. But we do. We have some coughers. Because we didn’t cough all summer. I knew we’d all catch something in September, as we do when school starts, but it feels like we just got over the last thing. Ugh.


I have extra kids at home today. Dekker and Solomon have joined Waverly and I for the day, just until we see some upswing in the coughing.

I am very grateful, however, that we had the most peaceful of mornings. All three kids played lego unceasingly all morning. We had music going in the background. I crocheted. That is all we accomplished this morning and I am not at all mad about it.

Solly built Kinasao’s dock area all on his own.

Wavy built some boats for him.

Dekker built a crazy lego shooter with a new piece a friend from school gave him.

I worked on a labour intensive blanket border that I will absolutely abandon if I don’t finish it in the next couple of days.

Nap time was a great success, also, and now, the house is bustling again and about to get much louder when the other kids make it home! My head already hurts, so perhaps some preemptive tylenol is in order…