“Oh ya, Rowan always does that…”

(as I’m combing Dekker’s hair in the bathroom)

Rowan: (enters bathroom)
Me: Hey, Ro.
Rowan: Ya. (dips toy screwdriver in toilet without hesitation)
Me: Rowan!! (takes toy) Ew! Thats yucky! Don’t dip toys in the toilet!
Rowan: AAAAAHHH!!!
Laela: (closes toilet) No, Wowan.

Me: (continues combing hair)

Dekker: Don’t worry, mommy. Rowan does that all the time.

Me: Oh does he? What does he do?
Dekker: He puts toys in the toilet. He, like, dips them right in there. Its ok.
Me: I don’t think its ok. The toilet isn’t a clean place. Ro puts that screwdriver in his mouth all the time.
Dekker: Don’t worry, usually he just sticks his hands in there. Not always toys.

*face palm*

You learn something new every day. Todays lesson should probably be “Never let the toddler out of your sight,” but I’m going with “Toilet water won’t kill ya” instead.

Thanks for keeping things interesting, guys. Love you all.