Ok, Wait. What? Who?!

I had such a bizarre experience this morning that I have to share with you guys!

It was odd right from the start. Waverly woke up and cried around 6:30. I went to make her a bottle, and of course, she was back to sleep as soon as it was ready. So I lay in bed in the dark and played on my phone. I always make the bad choice of dozing off for another half hour or so and then I’m a total zombie trying to get up. This time, I felt more awake and chose to stay that way.

As I was looking on my phone in the pitch dark, my bedroom door creaked open. This will never not be creepy. Lucky for me, I know its always one of the kids. So I whispered “hello?” into the darkness.

I was met with Laela’s chipper voice at full volume. “I pooped.” *sigh*

Me: You pooped?
Laela: Ya.
Me: Ok. And you came to tell me?
Laela: Ya!
Me: Why? Wait, did you poop in your pants?
Laela: Ya!
Me: Oh! Shoot, thats too bad! Do you need my help cleaning up?
Laela: (laughs) Ya, I do.
Me: Ok, I’ll be right there. Go wait for me in the bathroom.

I watched her little frame exit my doorway and head down the stairs. She was waddling. Gross.

I headed down the stairs after her moments later, and was surprised to see bright lights on, the boys bedroom door open, and a bunch of crashing sounds from the bathroom. Apparently Rowan was awake, too, and was taking this exact opportunity to pull his potty seat out from under the sink, crashing everything else under there out with it. I closed the boys bedroom door and just stared at Ro for a second.

I couldn’t really compute what was happening in that moment. I didn’t see Laela anywhere. Had she misunderstood and gone back to bed in her mess?? I headed into her room, and she rolled over groggily to see who was at her door. “Mommy?” she asked. She seemed confused. Solly was sawing logs, fast asleep.

I glanced back into the bathroom, where Ro was cheerfully standing around, seemingly waiting for me. And then it clicked.

Laela was actually Rowan, not Laela at all.

My goodness. What an odd moment that was for me! I had a full conversation with a child, thinking it was a different child! I’m thankful for the outcome, though. Ro had apparently been in a dirty diaper overnight and it needed fixing up, and I’m happy that Laela didn’t have an accident! But seriously, it was SO strange! It took me a while to piece it all together! Mystery solved, haha!

I hope you guys has a smoother, less weird start to your day!