One more day!

Only one more day of this insane weekend left! Its been a good time, but crazy hectic, and I’ll be happy to be at home a bit more next week *knock on wood.* Trust me, I wouldn’t be writing my post for December 8th at 1:30am on the 9th if I didn’t have to!

We spent another afternoon in the city, trying desperately to clean up the loose ends of our Christmas shopping. I have one more thing to buy for Brady, and I’m thinking a couple more things for Dekker. But then it is over and I can get to wrapping and ribboning, and putting under our hypothetically decorated tree. Something to look forward to anyway. New wrapping paper helps too.

We had a Christmas gathering today. We do one every year with my parents, any siblings that can make it, and all of our cousins in the area from my dads side of the family. We always eat so well, and spend the rest of the evening watching the kids antics in the living room. This year was pretty close to the same. We ate like royalty, of course. I made my first ever broccoli salad and I have to say it was pretty much amazing. Lots of bacon bits, sunflower seeds and raisins made it delicious. And do you know what the white-ish dressing is that is on all those salads? Mayo, vinegar, and white sugar. Sounds vile, I know, but it works! It surprised me too. It was yummy. Besides that was another salad, plus turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots, and waaay too many amazing desserts, once of them a fudgie Skor-chip trifle thing. Way too good. We drank pineapple punch. In. Credible.

Dekker was a hit, which was really nice. He was much younger a year ago (duh) and less engaging and involved. However, he ate like a horse at the table, and then played toys and made friends. So proud of my little boy.

Now everyone is gone and we’ve decided to spend the night at my parents, as we need to be at church at crazy o’clock in the morning. I’m feeling sooo disorganized in my music and I have to play for a Christmas program practice and lead worship in church. However, my mom sat with me at the piano for about an hour and helped me figure out chords and transpose a few songs until I was happy and comfortable with them. Thank God for you, mom! I will hopefully wind down soon and fall asleep. I’m definitely happy to be closer to church here. Might even have to move here one day 😉

Now if you’ll excuse me, there are Ritz crackers and a warm bed calling my name.