One of the Best Kinds of Outings

I am so fortunate to be able to go to counselling. It is such a valuable outlet for me in these times of life.

We talk family. Relationships. Children. School. Surgeries. Trauma. Foster care. Injustices. Fears. Wins. Faith. Traditions. Hobbies. Plans for the future. You name it, we cover it. And I LOVE that.

I will only see my counsellor once or twice more before she is officially graduated and gone, but I look forward to those final meetings. The conversations we will have. The coffee I will drink.

Thank you, Rae, for making it possible for me to go in, kid-free, today 💜 It is MUCH easier to dig deep when there isn’t a one year old trying to unplug and taste every electrical cord in the room.

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