One of Those “Breath of Fresh Air” Mornings

Dekker and Laela are at school today, meaning its just me, Wavy, and the little boys. Poor guys are often labelled as “the little boys” around here. But sometimes Rowan sneaks into “the big kids,” depending on the situation. But when its him and Solly, they’re the little boys.

Mornings with the little boys aren’t always smooth. Sometimes they are! They’re better than they used to be, when Laela would go to preschool, and they’d fight the entire time she was away. But now, they understand each other a bit better. Plus, that was a year ago. Its ever-changing. But this morning was SO good with them!

Wavy slept a good chunk of the morning, and the little boys played pretty well together! Smoother sharing than usual. It wasn’t perfect, but what is? While they played, I tried to do a few things. Dishes didn’t happen because stories needed reading. I tried to do some exercises but any time my legs were in the air, Solly would shriek “Tippy toes!” and starting pinching and tickling my feet. I did, however, get a chunk of work done on saving blog posts! I’ve saved ALL the pictures from 2018 into folders, which is HUGE! I’ll resize them all next. If I did them for each post individually, it would probably take twice as long. So that felt productive.

When Wavy woke up, she added SO much fun to the morning! Let’s be real. Sometimes, she’s just a lump, and sits and watches and doesn’t contribute too much, but today she was just extra special! She drank her WHOLE bottle, which she’s been fighting recently, and didn’t fight AT ALL this morning!!

She apparently wasn’t done, and opted to lick/chew my knee for a while.

We listened to music together for a bit before it was time to get lunch moving. Now that Wavy is in her high chair, Rowan ALWAYS wants to be next to her. So they played at the island together while we listened.

He would share his precious Duplo with her, and she’s chuck it, and he would first look a bit annoyed, and then totally recover and reassure her that he’d help her. It was pretty adorable.

The boys tidied up toys before lunch and ate lunch way better than usual! Rowan is probably the best luncher out of all of our kids, but Solly not so much. And he did AWESOME today! Wavy tried some banana too 🙂 Since I didn’t have to nag anyone to eat, I got the dishes done that I couldn’t do in the morning. Win!

Wavy started to lose her marbles about halfway through lunch, so she’s been sleeping for a little bit. Both boys went down seamlessly, which is just so great. I’m upstairs, doing this, and I anticipate I’ll work on those blog photos for the books next. My mom is popping by during nap time to look at a project I’ve started! Eek! Ok, its not really at “eek!” level of excitement, but it is for me 🙂 I’ll tell you about it soon enough.

Friend who said you were praying for me today, I appreciate it so much. It seems that was what I needed to get out of my “blah” mode. Thank you!