One of Those Seasons

There are seasons of blogging where I don’t feel like I have a lot I can share. Usually it means I’m keeping a secret. Like, a pregnancy. Thats when I feel it the most. Those first weeks of pregnancy are miserable for finding anything else to talk about! This time around, I do not have some awesome epic secret. No pregnancy. Not because I don’t want one, because we’re advised suuuuuper against pregnancy while Brady is doing chemo, obviously. I can tell you why my head is so full, but unfortunately, nothing too exciting.

Man I am really selling todays post, hey?

The simpler part of me not having much to talk about is the fact that I’m crocheting up a storm but its aaaaall Christmas gifts, and I can’t really share them publicly! I know one of the lovely people who has ordered from me has said I’m free to share, and maybe I will down the road. She ordered a whole stack of stuff, and it has felt like an awesome goal working it all out! Like that one, I’ve completed a couple of orders that I’ve truly enjoyed, and its been fun to be commissioned to make beautiful things 💜Its an honour to be asked. So, understandably, I can’t really share too much on this home front, and its been keeping me pretty busy.

On the flip side, we’ve been doing a LOT of house stuff over here. Its not a secret that we deeply desire to move. Not far, as we LOVE our home, and our neighbours. We are NOT eager to leave our people, but we do need a different house. There is no modification that we could make here to make it user friendly for Brady long term. And the longer we wait to move, the further away our tax years of income will be behind us. So we’ve been continually searching for ways to make it happen. For a minute there, we thought we had found a way. We had everything in order, but then things hit a snag and we’re back at square one again. Getting this mortgage is just seemingly impossible. I’ll admit, I had hoped to approach businesses to possible grant us donations or something along those lines, but with our gofundme not being tax deductible, it seems like less of a possibility. The door has not closed, but its leaned in that direction. *in a cheesy announcer voice* We are still accepting any or all ideas and suggestions on how to move forward on these things 😆When we thought we had a workable idea nailed down, I abandoned some of the other directions, but I think I may need to buckle down and write a letter to a few places. All of this said, while nothing big has happened, we’ve been teetering on the precipice of whether or not our build will come to be, and its been hard to share where we’re at when we don’t even know.

There you have it. Lots to share, and lots that I can’t, and lots that I don’t even know. You have my heart now.