Oops, its tomorrow!

I know I promised to blog every day, but I’m still up from yesterday so it counts right? I love these nights! When we have friends over for supper, put Dekker down and have tea in the living room, and all of a sudden, its midnight. To me, that is a testament of really good, comfortable friendships. Not always having to be moving and busy. Just comfort in being together, and even being quiet once in a while. It was a good night for friends.

Brady and I are rarely this social in a week. We have been out and about every night this week and with the exception of Thursday, we will be for the rest of it as well! I thoroughly enjoy it 🙂 It has taken us a while to become people who love to entertain and host at our house, but I really love it now. I always wanted this role, but knowing I live so far away from everyone makes me very aware that people have to go quite out of their way to be with us. So we’ve held off inviting people over for that reason alone, which is silly. An invitation can’t hurt! I mean, people can’t always make it, and if they never want to, then they’re not people we need to pursue this way. Right? Long story short, we love having people over. Anytime. Please come over.

Our guests tonight are such relaxed guests. We can leaves toys strewn all over, and serve simple meals. Today was spaghetti and meat sauce, caesar salad, and garlic bread. Really easy, but they were happy to have it! And they brought chocolate cream pie!!! It was a really good night.

Looking forward to having my sister over tomorrow for supper as well. Poor Caity, we still haven’t decided what to feed you!!!