Our Earliest Morning Yet

I’ve been mentioning Dekker’s newfound desire to wake us all up around 6:30pm for the last little while. This morning was our earlier morning yet, and while its been a bit challenging to say the least, I’m relieved that today wasn’t Dekker’s fault! Unfortunately, it was Bradys, haha! Sorry hubs, I have to tell. Brady dropped his aluminum travel mug on the stove top this morning on his way out the door at 5:30am, and that was just it.

We took our time getting up, of course, and Rowan managed to fall back to sleep in that time, so the big kids and I got up and had breakfast together, and pretty much right as they finished, Rowan woke up. So Deks and Laela went to play while I fed Ro breakfast in the dining room. Finally we all migrated up to the loft and played for the majority of the morning.

Ro didn’t last long before he needed a nap, so I hauled him down, and took a break to call health line quickly. I’ve been having some funny vision problems that appear a lot like when you see spots after a dizzy spell, yet they don’t come from dizziness, they are MUCH bigger blank spots in my vision, and they last quite a bit longer. I called mostly for information, to see if anything could cause them that is common, but of course, like pretty much any other time I’ve called, they basically said “Oh, you’re pregnant? Go to the hospital immediately.” Yup, but nope. So I hung out in the loft with the kids while Ro napped, and right around lunch, Kim and the boys came for our afternoon playdate!

It was SO nice to have company over!! They brought lunch, we made lattes, and spent the afternoon in the loft, playing toys and all being together. It eventually got super hot up there, and that paired with my grouchy, overtired children, and their youngest being in desperate need of a nap, we parted ways in the mid afternoon. I’m sure she’ll have some nappers in her van, and my kids are currently half asleep in front of a show, just resting their minds. But it was SO good to get everyone together again! I didn’t manage to get photos of everyone, but these are what I did get, anyway.

Rowan looks a bit disgruntled here, but both of the babies are standing so well, and they liked to be close.
Shifty eyes
Duck lips?
Laela wanted a picture of herself but he was craning her neck, putting her face WAY up, so I suggested she put her chin down.
Rowan mastered the Costco water bottle today! Finally!! Now he can have his own 🙂
Laela and Maddox, reding together, counting bunnies. Now that she's so verbal, they can actually converse! He's a year older, but she can keep up pretty well now. Its possible he kissed the window in front of her when they left <3
Laela and Maddox, reding together, counting bunnies. Now that she’s so verbal, they can actually converse! He’s a year older, but she can keep up pretty well now. Its possible he kissed the window in front of her when they left <3

I’m not completely sure what the evening will bring at this point. I had hoped to duck out to Walmart to grab a few groceries, but I’m not sure the kids could hack it. On another hand, though, they would likely sleep on the drive, and maybe that would be just enough sleep to get them to the evening without too many additional meltdowns. We’ll weigh our options once Brady gets home.

Lastly, yesterday, our cabinets came!!!!!


Those poor guys had 144 boxes to carry into our living room! But they did it surprisingly joyfully, and efficiently. Brady and I waited until the kids were down before he began the task of hauling them all downstairs, and we organized them in order of where they’ll go in our new house, matching up cabinet boxes to drawers and fronts, all as many other little things that we could. We are SO ready to dig in and start building/assembling everything so we can really get a feel for how things are going to look!!!

However, after a day quite like this, I am already sleepy, so I’m not sure today is the day. Maybe it’ll just be Saturday. Saturday is a good day too 🙂