Our First Full Day at Home

I have a list of things I want to write about and share with you guys, but they’ll all take a decent amount of planning and thought, and frankly, I feel like an easy one today 😉 I know you’ll all understand.

Yesterday was our first full day at home with FIVE children! It was surprisingly full, but I really loved it. We kicked off with breakfast and a visit from Healthy and Home. If you’re not from around here, Healthy and Home is a program where a nurse from public health drops by your house, does a little check over of you and your babe, and offers advice or help anywhere needed. Our nurse this time around was just amazing!!! She was instantly smitten with our kids, and included everyone in the visit. Since we were considered an early discharge from the hospital (Wavy was only about 14 hours old) there were a few things that needed doing. Wavy had her first blood draw to be sent away, which she didn’t much care for but tolerated nonetheless. She was also checked for jaundice, and passed easily!! Its so different having a baby thats considered “of average size” because they get poked and fussed with WAY less! Its refreshing for everyone. We also checked Wavy’s weight, which has dropped a little as is super normal. But guys, she’s 7 lbs 4 oz now 😮 I don’t even know what to think! She’s SO SMALL!! But she passed everything with flying colors, and the nurse had no concerns with anything. She made the comment that she loved it here, and said she wished she could stay all day. It was right around then that Solly and Rowan started to break down and fight, and Wavy decided she was, in fact, finished with her exam. So I think we cured our poor nurse of that feeling pretty quickly 🤣

My mom came over for a shorty visit shortly thereafter, to play with the kids, hold the baby, and be a familiar, fresh face in our home. It was LOVELY to see her! She offered to bring us supper that night, which we happily accepted!

Once the kids had eaten and were either down for naps or settled in for some Lego time, Brady and I put our feet up and enjoyed a restful lunch together as well. See, guys? I PROMISE I’m resting!

When the kids woke up, we actually braved the rest of the world and headed into the city. I know!!! We shouldn’t be out and about already! But here’s the thing. We realized the day before that Brady had accidentally left an entire change of clothes at the hospital. Included in that stack was a brand new pair of cozy sweat shorts, his favorite tshirt, and one of those wretchedly expensive pairs of underwear. We couldn’t just leave them there :/ So in we went! Brady did the legwork and picked his stuff up from the 5th floor (SO thankful they held onto it for him!!) and then we tried to head home, but accidentally detoured into Carters. Whoops. It was a short visit there, and then we went home. I had a great phone date with my sister as we drove, which was so refreshing. I miss her so much.

We got home shortly before my mom arrived with golden mushroom chicken, rice, and veggies for us. We destroyed that meal, lol! It was delicious!

We wound the kids down for bedtime by watching some music videos on YouTube, and bedtime turned out pretty smoothly. It all went as it usually does, even with Wavy added to the mix. She just makes it that much sweeter, giving all of us one more person to kiss and love. I love how low maintenance she is at this point and how little she asks for, yet I’m SO EXCITED to see what changes come with her joining our family!!!

We made it through day one! I hope we have many, many, many more days like this ahead!