Our First Meeting

We met with a builder today. Before we all get ahead of ourselves, no, we have not sold our house or even listed it. There is still lots to do. However, we spoke to our mortgage broker a month or so ago, and she advised us to get our numbers together and find out exactly how much our build would cost, so we could get a more accurate idea of what we needed, how much to list for, and things like that. We booked the appointment last week with the main salesman/owner of the builder that we’re going with. This morning, we dropped Dekker off to have a much needed one on one date with my mom, and we took Laela and Rowan to their nearby show home to meet.

We met for TWO HOURS! I first have to say that my kids are awesome. Rowan slept silently in his bucket the entire time, and Laela tried to terrorize Rowan and wandered around and unpacked the diaper bag until she got very tired, when I picked her up and she fell asleep on me for the first time in probably a year! It was sweet. And heavy. We stood through the whole meeting and only now is my body screaming at me. Maybe it wasn’t smart for me to free stand while holding my limp daughter for quite that long. But it was sweet and totally worth it.

Without getting into too much detail in such a public place as the internet, It was SUCH an exciting meeting! We learned our cost and got all of our specifications ad changes approved, so we know that when the time comes, we’ll really be able to have exactly what we want. We confirmed that we can bring in our own trades pretty much how ever much we want, as long as we’ve given fair notice. We’ll have permission to go through the house as often as we want, to see progress and make changes. The timeline all looks good too. We’re eager to move and they’re eager to build. Its sooo exciting!

Now to sell. Lots and lots of cleaning to do, with a few repairs and some general tidying. But thats it, for the most part! I can’t wait to see it all take shape so I can FINALLY post pictures!! Hopefully soon!