Our First “Research Project”

So. Quarantine schooling. Let’s discuss 😂 Its SO much easier to see all of the people around you, succeeding, when you feel like you’re not. That being said, Dekker is a research project yesterday 😆 I can’t believe it happened. And that I motivated it. I’m both sorry and not sorry. 


Behold. The Fart Chart Project.


I truly don’t remember how it began, but upon getting Dekker up for the day, I teased him about farting. Maybe I bounced him in his bed until he farted? I’m not sure. But the joke grew into the question of how much we actually all fart in a day. So we decided to find out. 

As I got the rest of the kids up, we informed them of our plan, and Dekker went to work drawing out a fart chart after breakfast. 

Throughout the entire day, Dekker would politely walk up to each of us individually and ask if we had farted. It was reminiscent of my recovery when I had my appendix out at 19. Nurses coming in, asking if I had farted, and my drugged up self being SO proud when I could say I had. 

We went for a walk in the evening. Dekker would suddenly announce “Oh! I just farted! Thats twice on this walk. I’ll have to mark it down! Has anyone else farted?” 

Dekker was the man for this project. He was both the most invested, and also the fartiest kids for sure!

The results…

The conclusion is that some of us really need to work on our digestive systems 😂 and others systems work a little too good, perhaps. To be fair, Laela and Waverly’s results are very likely inaccurate, but they denied any and all farts, like ladies. Haha! 

Aaaaanyway. It was funny and dorky and very us. If you hadn’t figured it out yet, kids think that parents potty talking is HILARIOUS, so once in a while, playing into that can be so funny 🙂 Its weird, but it almost makes a different connection with the kids. No regrets. 
