Our Garden

So. It was a tough call whether or not to put in a garden this year. Because my goodness, EXTRA!!! I do not have a lot of room in my life for extra. Extra work. Extra plans. Extra conflict. Extra big feelings. Extra dirt. The only extra I can really hack is extra fresh veggies. Hence, the garden.

It helps a lot that Cher and Rae both started tomatoes for me! Isn’t that incredible?!

I also have peppers started, and all my seeds were brought to me in a cute little seed tin. With the promise of helping hands from multiple people, I felt like we could do it! As a team. Definitely not all by myself. Not this year.

In the morning, it looked like this.

We had some tomatoes in already, and they almost all died :/ That sucked. But whats done is done. We had more! Tom had so lovingly rototilled for us recently, so we were ready to go! And today was the day for it, too. We had a couple of friends offer to help my mom and I, plus we only had two littles on our hands! And they were terribly cute!

I don’t have a lot of progress pictures at all because I was super dirty and didn’t want to touch my phone, but we planted tomatoes, peppers, corn, potatoes, carrots, and cucumbers. Just the basics 🙂 Many hands made light work, and we were done in no time!

Wavy helped water the rocks, so those should only get bigger…

She’d pour water from the big watering can into her little watering can, and then water the rocky edge. It was adorable.

And Brady got onto the trampoline with the kids at one point 🙂 It was pretty much the best.

The highlight of the day was probably the time where Solly decided he didn’t want to play with Wavy and said to her “You make me a boring person.” I LOVED that! Probably laughed a little too hard 🤣

I am SO grateful for everyone who participated in the garden today! That includes planters, starters, diggers, providers of coffee, and the eye candy. I preemptively am grateful for all the care that will be put into the garden in the coming weeks by the willing hands that are not mine. I know much of it will be otherwise cared for. Praise the Lord for willing, loving, close people who WANT to pitch in in this way!