Our System AFTER We’re Out the Door

We’re on our way yet again! Off to the lake for a long weekend of the beach, campfires, good food, evening walks, visiting, crocheting, and music. There is very little that competes with lake life in my books. I am continually blown away by our opportunity to stay at the lake as often as we do. Thank you Lord! 

Our family is coming off a cold. Almost everyone is ion the upswing, except Waverly, who is still in great spirits but is very, very tired 🥱 Poor sweetie did not want to get up this afternoon 💜 

But she did! They all did! Everyone for dressed, peed, and got set up in the van. Big kids buckle up little kids. Mom checks it over. Then off we go!

We’ve acquired Brady, and coffee, and we’re on the road! Filling up in rosthern, as we do, because it’s the cheapest spot. Pro tip! Rosthern is cheaper than Hague this year! You’re welcome. 

Have a beautiful weekend, friends. We sure plan to!