
Yesterday, after we organized the living room, after lunch, and napped the nappers, we opted to go outside! Wavy didn’t last especially long, but it was worth it to get everyone out there even for a little bit. Its like those cheeks need to be red from time to time. 

They played HARD, digging and pulling each other around on sleds. Eventually some of them graduated to the swing set and slide in the backyard, but it still counts. They were all SO beautiful!

Wavy moves the least, and is the smallest, so she was cold the earliest. I brought her her neck warmer but it didn’t end up helping much. Except it made her cuter.

I got out there later than everyone, and I ended up taking her in the earliest, so my bout outside wasn’t so bad. Everyone else’s red cheeks stuck around for a good long while afterwards tho! 

I thank this silvering fox for always having the gumption to get everyone into all of their winter gear and outside, even just for a while. 

Look at that little grey tuft on his hairline 😍 #yum

I’m so thankful to have a husband who not only has an excellent work ethic and patient heart, but also loves winter. Its aaaaall yours, honey!