Packing and a Date

Our plan for today was to get a good start on hauling our belongings into the trailer. But first, Brady was called into work to do a bit of warranty work. As in about a half hour of warranty work. Its a bit annoying to me that he spends more time in his van that he does in the house for such a small amount of work but he’s the only finisher for them, which we LOVE, so sometimes thats just the job. Luckily, Brady is a very willing morning person, so he went in nice and early, and was home before Dekker and Laela were even out of their room for the day! He brought coffee and breakfast sandwiches for us, which definitely helped me start my day of well.

Once the kids were up and fed, we turned on the Cars movie, and began emptying out one of the basement bedrooms thats gradually turned into a storage room. Brady made tons of trips up and down the stairs with armloads of stuff, and I basically dug through the piles to try and make it easier but probably didn’t aid too much i the process. I made some lists of jobs that need to be done through the house so, if we need a break from hauling but still want to be productive, we’ll have things we can do. Brady and I did a solid walk through of the house, into each and every room, and discussed what would stay or go, and how we might rearrange. Its really exciting to actually see it taking shape!

Around lunch, I was finally informed that Target marked their bedding down to 40% off! Lots of you know I’ve been waiting on pins and needles for this tip. When the Target sales began, bedding was only 10% off and I’ve been waiting for it to go down far enough that I can justify buying some. Before the sales started, i bought a mustard yellow blanket I’d been eyeing for almost two years, because I was worried they’ll all be gone as soon as the sales started. They have remained in stock through the entire sale process, and now they were going to be 40% off! So I talked to Brady and he agreed that we should jump at the sales and pick up some more nice blankets. It was so close to the kids nap time, so we went inside and played with them for a while, fed them, and spent a bit of time with them and without working. But right at nap time, they went down, and I took Rowan with me to the city to hit Target. A date for us, a nap for the big and the middle, and kid-free packing time for Brady.

It was SUCH a warm day, and it felt lovely being out and about in the sun with my baby. We hit the store on our side of the city, and parked nice and far away so we’d snag a few rays before going inside. As soon as we were inside, however, I made a beeline over to the bedding and was SO pleased to see the yellow blankets still on the shelf. I snagged two twin yellow blankets. I also had recently had my eye on a coral colored patterned blanket, but it had been way too expensive before so I had sort of given up. Brady and I had agreed I should buy it if it was still there, but I didn’t see it. Until I dug. It was waaay the heck in the back, not at all in the section where it belongs. I’m pretty sure someone hid it. Sorry, someone. I wanted it more, turns out. I wanted to do a bit more shopping, but Mr. Rowan was starting to become less fond of our date. I ended up carrying him on his tummy, facing out, through the store, and pulling my cart behind me. He fell asleep and hung there, limp and comfy. I am sooo thankful that Target carts pull just as nicely as they push! It made it possible to continue my date with my son, and carry him around, which he doesn’t usually appreciate. My entire Target haul included three blankets, three throw pillows, a beautifully soft sheet set, two shirts, polysporin, and some spray sunscreen, and I paid about $200. Considering the blankets alone would have cost that much at full price, I’m feeling pretty thrilled with my purchases 🙂

Everyone was up when I got home, and Dekker was playing drums all on his own, and singing along, which was pretty awesome actually. A lot of people aren’t confident singing while playing an instrument, but maybe everyone should start nice and young and they’d get the hang of it 🙂 We all played and then ate supper together. After supper, the kids played together while Brady and I did the dishes and attempted to make a bit of a game plan for after they went to bed. I think we came up with something, but I have no idea what it was. So many little places in the house need to be broken down and we need to decide about what to pack and what to keep at home.

It’ll be good to have help tomorrow. My parents are coming for the day, and I know having some help with the kids, as well as some muscle and some wisdom, will help greatly in the process. I would so love to keep my sanity through these next few weeks, but I also want tomorrow to be a wild success! Please root for us!