
I feel like all anyone is talking about these days is the Corona virus, myself included. And understandably so. I’m not sure anyone ever anticipated things looking like this, maybe ever. Yet, here we are. School is closed. Stores and services are shutting down. Everything is cancelled until further notice. It feels a little “end of the worldy,” yet I think a lot of that comes from our life of privilege, not ever really knowing an uproar.

I am so grateful to have the ability to stay home with my children already, and not be in the compromising position of losing a job or my income. 

Laela helping with the honey chicken yesterday

Brady’s work continues to look normal, at least at this point, and thankfully he works mostly independently, so we don’t worry too much about him coming in contact with the virus. 

I’m feeling some peace about the weeks and months to come, at home with the kids. Hopefully that continues, haha! But for right now, I feel less fear and more peace. 

Three kids reading, one kid tossing paper airplanes, and one kid dancing through the house to Walk off the Earth playing in the background. 

I’m going to make a point of not constantly talking about COVID-19 very very soon. I want normalcy back, even if its a new normal 🙂