Physio Follow Up

Guess what happened last night.

No. One. Barfed. NO ONE!!! 🥳 So we slept way better! Yet, full disclosure, Brady and I both are still completely wiped. Goodness 😴 So tired.

Thank goodness he had a short day today, for a couple of reasons. Reason number one is that a gentler day when you’re tired is appreciated. Reason number two is that I could go to physio without having to haul the kids there during nap time for Brady to watch, and then him having to go back to work. It was definitely a win.

I drove to Saskatoon and listened to good music. Spotify has opened my eyes. Its SO nice to have! What a huge gift that was for Brady and I. I made it there in good time and even got into my appointment a few minutes early.

In case you don’t remember, I was seeing my physiotherapist about my weird shoulder pain. When she asked me how it was going with my shoulder, I kind of caught her up on the week and what it all was. How my friend had gotten in an accident and I seemed to carry a great deal of sympathy pain for her, therefore increasing my shoulder pain, among all my other new pains. She was SO warm and reassuring, and seemed to think as I did that really, it was nice that I cared so deeply about my friend, and that this sympathy pain will find its way away eventually. But that I shouldn’t stress or overthink it. We know what it is, and thats just that! Plus, for the first time in maybe five days, my wrists feel WAY better, and I can grip with my fingers again! It was a difficult handful of days where I couldn’t bear any weight in my hands (think pouring cream into coffee, changing a diaper, opening a gate, putting on my own pants, etc.) and I’m SO relieved, emotionally and physically, that there has been some improvement.

My shoulder was the main reason for the visit. The pain I’ve been having so consistently in my one shoulder had ended up moving to my right as well, so she checked over and treated both. She said my mobility is much better than it was a week ago. She told me I could stop one of the exercises and do the other a bit more gently. Apparently I was pushing too hard, but I’m glad for that because there is proof that I have been doing them! She gave me one more to do, and I tried it out. Seemed good. I understand the general gist of what she wants from me. I need to open up more in the chest and shoulders, as though wanting my shoulder blade to meet. But not actually. But, you get it.

We talked about a couple of factors. I have hypermobility, which means my joints have a larger range of movement than others, so I can bend a little further but then I can also overdo it without really being prepared for it. She also says I’ll “hear about it” from my joints for a bit longer than average. She also said I clearly have a sensitive nervous system, and that the bond between my mind and body is strong. And thats a great thing. We all have that bond, but that clearly, when I feel something strongly, it’s going to show up in my body maybe a bit stronger and for a bit longer than others.

It was oddly a very encouraging appointment. We laughed about a lot of things, as we often do. I snagged a few of her business cards when I left, because I really believe more women should seek out pelvic floor physio, and if they’re going to, MINE is the BEST one!! She’s just the best ☺️ I took my exercises and walked out feeling centred in my body and capable of doing what needed doing to strengthen my muscles.

Its a good day ❤️