Pictures from Yesterday

I’m not going to lie. Creative juices are just not flowing today. Luckily, productivity is. I got lots done this morning and am now taking time to sit. But as I sit here, I have nothing to write about! So instead, I’ll just leave you with pictures of the kids from yesterday’s grocery shop.

Needless to say, it was a very cute grocery shop. Though we’re approaching a new stage. Solly was really wiggly in the ergo. Also, he sucks on it like mad, which is SO gross! But he would have rather been free, for sure. Just sit the kid in the cart, right? I know. The belts are tight enough that he’s done ok in there before. But Superstore carts only have one spot to sit in. Rowan is capable of walking around in public places, but not for the length of a full grocery shop, not at any reasonable to quick pace, and he would be MUCH more likely to just wander aimlessly. He’s just too young, in my opinion. Sooooo I’m at a bit of a loss. I guess I could wear Solly on my back. He’d probably like being able to see out a bit better. Or I could haul him along in the  umbrella stroller. I’m just always trying to make it work in a way that I can easily bring them all out myself, and we’re right in that tricky stage of the game. Should be interesting! But even if its interesting, its still fun 🙂 I love grocery shopping with these kids! Truly! They’re so good, and helpful, and I’m just so smitten with them.

Love you guys!!