Plans Cancelled. Again.

Yet again, our plans for the day changed thanks to being sick. Kims middle son’s birthday party was today, and we had to back out. While I’m hesitantly optimistic that an upswing is on its way sooner than later, Solly and I are still down and out. Solly isn’t eating very well, and therefore isn’t sleeping well. Not being able to breathe and drink makes is hard, and then when he does finally drink a bigger feeding, it seems to give him some pretty serious tummy pain. The screaming is tough on his throat. And on everyone. We’re all just sick of being sick.

The big kids seem to be on their way to mending, so thats good. I am doing everything I can to make it through the day medicine-free, in an effort to let my sickness run its course, instead of suppressing it. That being said, I just got out of the tub and am enjoying my few moments of breathing through my nose. Bliss.

One thing I accomplished today is Christmas present planning! If you don’t remember from last year, we like to base our gifts off of a list I heard about a few years back. Four gifts each – something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. Beyond that, we get a gift for the kids to share, and then each kid gets a couple new pairs of jammies. So today, I listed out their names, and then the names of everyone else we’ll likely buy for this Christmas, and I brainstormed. And I came up with just about everything!! I’m SO excited to already have those decisions made. I hope Brady and I can somehow find a way to get a full day kid-free, and to just go and blitz the shop! We have time, but somehow I’m already super duper organized, so once it starts, it’ll likely get finished pretty quickly! Eek!

I feel like, from my current spot, all tucked into bed, I should be saving blog posts and continuing that project, but I think I deserve a day off from that. I am proud to have completely saved a FULL YEAR of posts!!! It will be printed off into two books, and I will have them forever, regardless of what happens to this blog. Instead of saving posts, I’m going to watch YouTube and rest my eyes a little bit before rejoining the fam jam.

I hope you’re all feeling good this Saturday!