
I had high expectations for today. Ok, maybe not high, but good. It was our first day back from our holiday. The kids and I were going to run a quick errand in the city, and then be home and lazy for the rest of the day. I thought we could maybe even do a movie afternoon and watch musicals like we do once in a while, do laundry slowly, and then eat really, really yummy food for supper. I know how badly the kids need a normal day.

Before we left for the the city, the kids were in pretty good shape. I mean, I could tell they were overtired so there was that, but really not bad at all. Laela was strumming the return air vent and cut her finger a little, but didn’t even cry. I gave her a wipe to play with and she pretty much cleaned herself up.

Unfortunately, our few hours in the city were terrible for me. I won’t go into detail, but I was pretty shaken up. The kids were fine, it was just me. I’d share more if I didn’t already know I was being irrational. Anyway, I was sooo relieved when the littles slept the whole drive home.

We got home around 12:30 and I got them fed and comfy in the basement. I was unsure what our schedule for the day would look like since they had each had a half hour sleep in the van but thankfully, right around 2:00, they were both whooped and ready for bed.

They ended up sleeping most of the afternoon, which was exactly what I needed. I used that time to cry my face off and blubber and then doze, and then cry some more. Brady and I talked on the phone a bit and I texted some friends, so I was busy enough. But ya, I was sad and emotional and it was sucky.

I was completely unmotivated to do laundry, or any kind of tidying, and I had no appetite for supper either. Lucky for us, the kids were ready for bed on time, so we’ll be in the tub and to bed earlier than usual.

Sorry for the vague and pessimistic post. It was not a shining day for me. But once again, I’m hoping for bigger and better tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll get a few things done, eat more, and cry less. I’m sure I’m not the only one who just completely loses touch with reality once in a while. Right?? Oh gosh, pleeeaaase don’t let me be the only one!