Popularity at its Finest

I say in advance, I promise I’m kidding 😆

In the last week or so, two ten year old boys have asked for my phone number. And I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them squirm when I’ve responded in surprise, asking “why??”

I can tell you why! Because my kids are making real, meaningful friendships and I can’t blame them for a second because these boys are SO sweet! Who wouldn’t want to stay in touch?!

Don’t get me wrong. They have amazing friends in town and that will only be more evident when school starts. But their friends here last from morning to night. They go on adventures together, eat treats together, snuggle in each other’s campers, and sit around each other’s fires.

The kids will miss their friends, and so will I. There are some immensely beautiful people up here, and they will be something our family mourns at the end of the season.

This also leaves me realizing how long it’s been since a boy asked me for my phone number 🤔 Pretty sure that was Brady, in 2007, asking for my dorms pay phone number. Over fifteen years ago 💜 No regrets.