Post-Halloween Blues

Welp. We have a TIRED group of kidlets on our hands this morning!! 😅🥱 Anyone else??

Conveniently, our elementary school always follows Halloween up with a pj/movie day for the kids! Its like they know everyone is coming to school either completely exhausted, with a tummy ache, or both. We definitely have a whole crew of exhausted ones, and a couple of tummy aches. No one even overate really on candy at all, but they don’t usually have much candy, so I think it hit hard. But everyone survived. Even Rowan’s guyliner 😅

Don’t worry, I got him cleaner before he left for school, hahaha!

Today is deemed a cozy lazy recovery day. For me, I mean, hahaha! And Wavy. And the morsel. Everyone else has to go on with business as usual!! Wavy is feeling icky, but recently deemed the day “black and white stripes day,” so if you’re in to participate, I think that counts as getting yourself together for the day!

Happy no longer Halloween! Onto the next – the month where hopefully our moving stuff will all be worked out! 🤞