Pregnancy dreams anyone?

If you’ve ever heard that women sometimes get extra crazy dreams when they’re pregnant, they are telling the truth! Its a very real thing. When I was pregnant with Dekker, I had regular dreams of misplacing my baby after it was born and having no one seem to think it was an issue. No one would help me locate my baby! They were awful. I haven’t had a lot of extreme dreams yet this time around, but I sure did last night. The first thing I wanted to do when I woke up was write it out a bit. Luckily, some dreams get a little foggy once they’ve been gone for a little while, but I’ll give you the gist.

First of all, in real life, I woke up at 6:45am to someone driving away and honking a little song with their car horn. Thanks. I was kind of miffed, but tried pretty hard to go back to sleep. It took a little time, but it was as soon as I fell back to sleep that the dreams started. My first one, I don’t remember why, but someone was really talking down to my mom. I walked in on her balled up underneath a table, crying, while someone was just laying into her. I immediately jumped in to back her up, but was ‘corrected’ by the person yelling, who just yelled more at my mom to control her daughter. Instead, I sat beside her and bawled while this person kept yelling. Even in the dream, I was thinking “Wake up! Wake up!” And couldn’t. It was really awful. I hate feeling so helpless.

Then I think I lulled awake a little bit, just enough to know I had a really weird, crampy stomach ache, and fell back to sleep into a different dream. This one had a lot more people involved. Some current friends and family, friends from years ago, high school teachers, everyone. We were in some kind of situation that looked like maybe we had all stayed the weekend somewhere and were trying to pack up and be organized. Somehow, I ended up with this graph/list I was supposed to fill in about what was where and when. I tried so hard to make it really clear and perfect, but the boxes and spaces were so tiny that no matter how hard I tried, I would get mixed up and start writing things in the wrong boxes and basically just mess the whole thing up. It became one of those situations that happens in real life sometimes where everyone is looking over your shoulder and telling you what to do and throwing out ideas, to the point where there is really no hope in ever getting it done. Doesn’t that make everything so much worse?! Am I the only person that knows that! Anyway, I was forced over and over to erase it all and start again. But then I’d need to write more info than what would fit in the box, and someone would say “Just draw a line and write it somewhere else on the page” but that would get all tangled with everything else and it was just sooooo frustrating! Everyone was getting really mad because we apparently couldn’t leave until I got this right. Like a child learning a lesson. I finally left the room for a minute and found someone to plead with to help me finish. And she said something like “Well, it doesn’t have to be messy. Just draw a line!” Grrrrr!!! It was infuriating and I couldn’t wake up from it! The packing and listing had begun in what seemed to be the afternoon, and during all the hustle and bustle, I saw a clock that said 11pm.

The dream was never resolved. I woke up  sweaty and crying, and to that awful crampy stomach ache again, and this time made sure I stayed awake. What makes this morning even more scary is that I’m pretty sure those weird crampy stomach aches I had between those dreams and for a little while after were braxton hicks contractions. It is much to early for those.

I feel nervous and tired today. Not an ideal morning at all.


Wow, Hailey. I kid you not, Caitlin and I were JUST talking about this last night! What the heck? Dreams can be the best, but they can also be the worst. Kelly told me yesterday to not let them interfere with the rest of your day. Just say, “that was weird, but it’s not real” and move on. I do think sometimes that they can mean more, but in this case, you were probably thinking about your mom and loving her and wanting the best for her (that’s why you stood up to the meanie…) and that, seriously, there is a lot to think about in pregnancy and maybe that’s why you are a little stressed that you won’t be able to do “it” (whatever the IT is) perfectly once little gaffer comes around. Those are my thoughts. I totally understand feeling like crap after a round of bad dreams, but Kelly is right: we should try not to let them interfere with the rest of our day. Give them to God and breathe a sigh of relief and then let it go… not easy, but probably true.
Peace to you Hailey.


You are sooo right Nicole! I agree that sometimes dreams can reflect what a person is feeling in their current life situation, like wanting my mom to be safe, or maybe just feeling overwhelmed about certain things. But they’re DREAMS! Just that 🙂 Its important to make that effort to just shake them off and move on with the day. I needed that reminder actually, thank you! Love you Nicole 🙂

mama jeanne

Poor Sweetheart. Thanks for sticking up for me 🙂 I’d stick up for you too. Love you so much and hope you have a much better night tonight.