
Its been a super crazy week since we got home from the lake. I’ll share all kinds of details and stories with you soon enough, but the last couple of days specifically have been centred around Miss Waverly and her banaaaaanas new rash she’s rocking! I’m actually going to refrain from posting pictures to avoid the mad guessing game, but I’d happily send some in private messages to anyone who wants to help or wager a guess.

Wavy presented something of a heat rash while we were at the lake. It was a very small problem, and didn’t seem to bother her in the slightest. It lessened in a day or two, and save for a couple of lingering dots on her tummy, she seemed completely fine.

While I was in Edmonton, her rash exploded. It covered her whole belly and rode up into her armpits and neck. All the hot spots. She started scratching like a crazy person. Pimply spots formed all down her legs and her face, and some filled with fluid. Her hands and feet like by far the weirdest, with ringworm-looking spots and lines. She never. Stops. Scratching.

Yesterday, it had only worsened, so I called my doctor for a consult. She was booked, but they put us in the “urgent queue” to speak to a physician before the end of the day. As I’ve come to expect, Dr. Guselle noticed her name in the queue and snagged her out of there to call us herself. We talked in detail about Wavy’s rash and she gave me the office email to send pictures to. I sent her a long email with progress pictures, starting with the heat rash at the lake.

She called back shortly thereafter and figured, unfortunately, we’re probably looking at a couple of viral rashes mixed together that need to run their course. She could’ve picked something up at the lake, plus she’s teething, plus she’s prone to eczema. The perfect storm, lol! However, her symptoms needed help fast, so Dr. Guselle prescribed a special cream for her hands and other hot spots, like her armpits and leg folds. The bigger areas, like her tummy and the back of her neck, I’m treating with basic topical antihistamine, and she’s taking regular Benadryl. Today, finally, there is improvement worth noting!

There is more skin color on her belly between the spots. Her knee “hives” are waaay down. She’s not as puffy and swollen. Her hand markings are still pronounced but they’re lighter and less pronounced. I am SO relieved.

Goodness, Waverly. Always keeping us on our toes!