
We’ve been incredibly preoccupied recently, so I can’t share too much newness with you. You’ll have to forgive a bit of a repeat topic, but it was just too cute not to share!

Wavy helped me make dressing again this morning. We made two this time. My honey mustard, and also some dressing for broccoli salad. Last weekend at the lake, the salads really hit the spot, and I want to have them again! So, dressings gotta be fresh!

Wavy thought the mayo was gross, but she thought it sounded like poops, which she was happy about. So I filled the measuring cups and she plopped them into the bowls.

She filled the mustard and even scooped it out. Getting that coordination going!!

She let me do the sticky stuff – honey, and then she did the rest, mixing it all up! Meanwhile, I put the broccoli salad dressing together. She’s less invested in that one. Lol!

Aaaaand then just like last time, she wanted to lick the “whisker.”

And I let her. Because why not? I’m sure I would’ve wanted to do the same thing at her age.

Two big containers of dressing ready for camp this weekend!! Its gonna be a gooder, I am SURE of it!

Just 👏 you 👏 wait 💜