Pumpkin Stuff

I won’t go into a whole lecture about what I’m doing. You probably know I really want to be better in the kitchen. I have goals – some lofty, some vague, and some simple that feel attainable.

I want to do a bit of intentional baking, and part of that includes some yummy pumpkin things, but wouldn’t you know it, today, during a big fat grocery shop, I found a tin of pumpkin puree for $6.50 ๐Ÿ’€ That is absurd!!!!

So, for $4, I bought a pumpkin instead.


So this does not at all come naturally for me but I think I’m going to process a pumpkin and make the puree myself. Trust me, I know there are WAY more benefits to doing it this way, without all the junk that lives in canned crap in the grocery store, but in all honesty, this one is about the cost, haha! I just cannot justify it. So. Thats on the list for today.

I already chopped up all the veggies for camp this weekend. But the day is not over. I have to brown ground beef. Make a packing list for the kids. Pack my own things. Make a salad dressing. Tomorrow has become a very full day for me, so as much as I can get done today, I will!

And leave it to me to add processing a pumpkin to that list ๐Ÿ˜…

Anyway. Wish me luck!!

*preheats oven*