Quick Trip Home

Our week at the lake came with a few little disjointed parts that left me driving home in the middle. Not only did we have an unmovable appointment, but we also had an appointment that was taking way too long to come to fruition get bumped UP to this week! Alas, the timing wasn’t perfect, but we decided to take that small hit for the greater good.

I drove home today with just one tiny morsel in my backseat. We ran an errand before the appointment, and then ran another errand before heading home. My mom came by shortly after I got home with a delicious home cooked meal ready to pop in the oven. She helped me with a few jobs I had to do. She snuggled the morsel. It was really nice.

Cher joined us shortly before supper. It was so so lovely to be all together 💜 We ate a crazy delicious scalloped potato casserole with sausage and fresh corn from the cob. And cheese. And sauce. It was SO good.

Both of my beautiful guests whipped up dishes and headed out the door.

The house is super quiet. The dishwasher is running. Nothing else is. The morsel must wake up for a bath soon. And then I need a bath soon, too. And some crocheting. And some tv. And a sleep in my own bed for a night.

I anticipate good comfy rest, but even more so, I anticipate being back with all of my people tomorrow afternoon! After appointment number two.

Tomorrow will be fun. Cher is joining for the drive back up to the lake! I except the party will be brought 😎