Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head

*deeeeep breath*

*deeeeep sigh*

Its raining today. I have waited for the rain. I LOVE the rain. It smells amazing, feels amazing, and brings a cleansing refresh to everything it touches. I’m SO happy the rain is back. And April showers bring May flowers, right? My little front step planter is looking pretty naked.

We got the kids to church this morning in the beautiful grey misty weather. Its Palm Sunday today. All the kids opened the service by walking into the sanctuary waving palm branches while the worship team played music. It was a really wonderful opening. I didn’t catch a whole lot beyond that, with my twitchy little baby girl. She woke up just that much too early this morning, and was pretty over church the moment it started. But we rolled with it. I held her off by sitting on the floor with her and letting her play, then carrying her around, then back to the floor, etc etc etc. We made it through, and the moment church was done, Waverly was whisked away by the eager hands of some of the youth. Boom! Off she went!

Everyone was loaded into the van when I finally tore Wavy away from her group of admirers. As I carried her out to the van, her bare shoulders tasted the rain. She startled, and gasped, and giggled. Yesssss! PLEASE love the rain as much as I do, sweet baby!

As tends to happen, everyone disintegrated upon arriving home, and nap time happened very quickly after lunch. Now that everyone is up and at ’em, we have the rest of the day to play together 🙂 Our only job is to go through some tubs of clothing for Wavy. I had to dig into tubs this morning to find things that fit her, so its time for yet another size swap! She keeps growing!!

Thus begins a week of Brady being home! Sadly, he is swamped and will be working late all through our Easter break the following week :/ But hey, we’ll take what we can get! This week is already filling beautifully 🙂 Lots to look forward to!