Ready. And geeky.

So, yesterdays post was pretty pathetic. Why can’t a grown woman just get organized?! Well apparently I’m not ready to be a grown up, because I found my growing, messy list super overwhelming. Aaaaand then the night sucked.

Laela slept a beautiful stretch from 11:00 until 4:45am. And it took two stinking hours to get her back to sleep! It was mostly just frustrating because our fan was going in our room and I was frozen as I rocked her. When I finally got her down at 6:45 I was shaking, so I burrowed my head under the covers and crashed back to sleep. Thankfully, the plus from all of that was that she let Dekker and I both sleep until 10:00! So I did sleep well, but the stretch in the middle was rough. I know, I know, we’ve been spoiled with our son who sleeps wonderfully, and Laela having a two hour wakeful stretch is hardly a “hard” night for lots of moms. But its hard for us.

But we lived. I got up and put on real clothes instead of sweats, and got Dekker up for breakfast. We had our regular morning of cereal, toast, bananas, and milk before heading downstairs to play toys. Laela was pretty dozey most of the day, so I’m a bit nervous about how this evening will go. We’re still trying to figure out sleeping patterns with her at this point. Deks played until it was nap time, and then came up with me completely willingly, had a diaper change, and gave me a BIG hug and kiss before he went down. Dekker is notorious for jumping in his crib. We’ve never given him too much heck for it, since its so terribly cute, but its started really delaying his naps and messing up his days. So today when I lay him down, I asked him to just stay put, stay lying down all still, and to just go to sleep. And he did. Not one jump. I love him.

Once he was in bed, I brought my laptop, lists, notebook, and phone downstairs. Organization time! I called my mom and she listed with me. I actually typed my list for tomorrow out on Word, haha! Dorky, I know, but it worked! I have tomorrow laid out so specifically and carefully, in order, that we might even be able to get it all accomplished instead of having to go in again on Thursday!!! We’ll hit the post office, go to the doctors appointment, lunch, five stores in Circle Mall, Superstore, Midtown Mall, Costco, and the post office again. Its going to be massive, but there aren’t hours and hours worth of things to do at each place. Lots just involve grabbing one thing. Those trips are so annoying with kids! I swear, I spend more time getting kids in and out of cars and strollers than I do in the actual stores! But with the two of us, Brady and I just may be able to whip everything together quick! I’m looking forward to the challenge actually 🙂 Then, thursday can be a home day! Although we learned yesterday that my back is really tight, so maybe I’ll be able to justify a trip into Saskatoon on my own tomorrow to see my chiropractor for my first time in six weeks! Could be a nice treat for me anyway. We’ll see.

So I spent the afternoon getting super organized and hanging out with Laela downstairs. Brady came home and we decided to be lazy and order in supper from the Red Bull. We all had a lazy evening downstairs until it was Dekker’s bedtime. He was so sad to go upstairs and get ready for bed tonight, but he recovered and was very sweet. Now, he’s down and the bath is run. I took a bit of time and wrote out five thank you cards. Gotta keep working on that list of people to thank! But now its time to wind down. Our latest bad trend is Halloween candy and Doritos in the tub. And I had promised myself that I was going to stop snacking so badly after Laela was born. Ya, that didn’t happen.

Sleep tight, friends! Thanks for being such loyal readers 🙂