REAL Friday

It’s REAL Friday today rather than just feeling like Friday like yesterday, and I’m so happy about it. I love Friday. Friday means sleeping in tomorrow. It means everyone is home tomorrow. And lucky for me, Brady is home today, so that’s a little added bonus 🙂 I was able to go to a wax/nails appointment this morning while Brady worked on his quarterly GST report. So we’re all getting stuff done today!

This weekend won’t be the most standard weekend ever, though. You guys have probably seen on my Facebook, but Bradys work van died. It died HARD the other day. (Trust me, I’ve been nagging him to write a post about it, but there just hasn’t been time.) We were lovingly offered a truck to borrow for a couple of days, which saved us this week, but starting Monday, we’re kind of on our own. We need a solution, and we need it fast. We’re in no position to shop for a good deal either :/ Unfortunately, we just need to find something. He can’t just not go to work. So that leaves us likely dropping at least a few thousand dollars this weekend that we weren’t originally planning to. While we can make it happen, its obviously less than ideal when you’re not prepared. Merp.

So rather than coffee in bed, waffle brunch, puttering away at laundry, and maybe a little errand running, we’ll likely either be split up, with him van shopping and me wrangling the kids, or we’ll all go together to look at vans. Not ideal, but not the end of the world.

With all of this in mind, Friday doesn’t feel as fluffy as it often does. But when the times get tough, we don’t get to just bail. Rather, we buy vans. Because we have to. Because ours caught on fire 🔥