Real Talk on a Sick Day

Have I mentioned? Our family just had a super mild cold run through us. Nothing too crazy. A few snotty days, one day of dry coughing maximum, etc. Super relaxed. I was actually completely ok with it, because rather now than over baby day. Even I got it, and it took a few days longer to leave me, for obvious reasons. One day, Bambina will give me back my immune system, but until then, I’ll just hang on to colds a little longer.

I had my few days of sickness, and had been feeling a noticeable upswing over the last few days. I felt back to normal, save for a few coughing spells here and there. Well, yesterday, for whatever reason, my cold took a HUGE swoop down and I am completely beside myself, sick as a dog. My ribs are aching so badly from all the coughing, my throat obviously hurts, my neck is tight and I’m so so sweaty, though not fevered. My stomach is all crampy, and I’m burping like a maniac because of all the air I’m taking in from coughing to the point of gagging. I can’t speak above a whisper. When I roll over in bed, and that slight movement puts a teeny bit of pressure really anywhere, I gag like crazy trying to make the pressure go away.

I used the example of rolling over in bed because I literally have not left my room once today. It is both a huge relief and bummer all at once. I’m SO thankful that Brady has let me just hole up and try to heal for the day. I really hope I do.

I ate some lunch, so thats something, but I know I’m wildly dehydrated. Yet, I’m coughing so hard, to the point of constantly peeing a little. Yup, glamorous, I know. Thank goodness for these absorbent underwear I bought for postpartum healing, right?? Been living in those suckers! I wish I didn’t need them, but I’m thankful to have them.

We’ll see how the rest of the day goes. I want to say a soak will help, but I hacked through the entire soak last night, and it brought NO relief. I’ve exhausted my options of what I’m allowed to take and how to help myself, and am feeling a touch helpless. Wish me luck for a better night and some improvement tomorrow! I HAVE to kick this this sooner than later!

Aaaaand rant over!