Rehab in the Weather

Brady had another outpatient rehab appointment today. Maybe about 10 minutes before we had to leave, the weather picked up and the wind starting whipping! It went from cold but sunny to miserable and brutal out. That is what we left the house in. Visibility was LOW all down the Dalmeny highway, and it was far from ideal on the 16 as well, but once we were in the city, everything was clearer, and we got to Brady’s appointment with time to spare!

These appointments have slowly spaced out, and its seeming they may soon come to an end. But Brady continues to progress and work hard to improve everything the best he possibly can. But as is natural, it seems like we might be reaching the peak of Brady’s mobility. Not to say miracles can’t happen, because they can! And nerves can continue to heal! But at this point, Brady needs to continue to work on beefing up his hip muscles, and maintain all the rest. And what he has at that point will be what he has to work with 🙂 And thats ok. He is SO fortunate to have all the movement he has! It just seems like we may have reached our natural stopping point. Soon, anyway. The appointment was left open ended, and we will rebook in the coming months when we feel its necessary. Probably once before we start hitting up the lake! I cannot wait for lake season 💜

Please stay safe and warm, friends, with the blowing and snow and the ice it will inevitably create as the sun goes down.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a kid to get up from naps, kids to receive from school, a telemiracle video to leaf through to find our spot for those of you who missed it and have asked 😉 and a really fun evening of Bridesmaids and chinese food to look forward to!!