
Instead of 6:00am, Rowan bumped his early morning feed til 7:15! He must love me. On a normal day, I DO NOT feel ready to get up so early, but for some reason, I felt nice and rested this morning!! I knew getting up early would give me the opportunity to get a lot of work done around the house but, for whatever reason, I was blanking on what job I could really even start on my own. I wrote a status update on Facebook saying how rested I felt, and was thoroughly blessed by a text very soon after from a friend that resulted in a date! An honorary sister of sorts from high school had a baby a few months back and I had yet to meet him. Also, having not seen each other in forever, she had never met any of my kids!! It was more than time for us to get together, so she packed up her son and made the trip.

We had such a nice afternoon together, if I can be so bold. It was so nice to catch up! Well, I don’t even know if I can call it that, because we didn’t go too terribly far back. Just to the point of having kids, basically 🙂 It was fun to swap stories and experiences and opinions. I think we agreed on a lot, which isn’t a necessity but is always pretty refreshing. The kids were very comfortable with her around, to the point of Dekker asking her to read him stories. Her little boy was SUCH a ray of sunshine, and seemed to really have eyes for Laela, never without a smile just for her. He took a really nice long nap while we all had lunch together downstairs. Its so nice when our guests are comfortable enough to eat in our basement on the sunken couches.

Eventually my kids went down for naps too and we chatted a bit more while she fed her babe. But the show must go on, and she had to head out soon afterwards. But it was such a lovely, refreshing visit for me! It was so nice to have someone in the house to talk to and relate to. And it was great to fill a good chunk of the day with something/someone much more important and enjoyable than housework and planning and stress.

Friend, you know who you are 🙂 Please come again!! You were such a bright spot in my day!!